Hi there! I am finally ready, excited (and proud) to share the first pieces of Simply Mad's newest collection with you. Every collection needs a fitting name and I have named this one "Haru Matsuri" (Spring Festival in Japanese) - what do you think?
If you have been following this blog, then you have an idea of what I am talking about. But for the benefit of those who might be joining us just now, here is a re-cap...You can also visit these links for more detail...
Simply Mad's Plan for 2013
Simply Mad About De-Cluttering & De-signing
Inspiration piece - Japanese silk |
Up until now I had designed my jewelry from a very personal place making it hard to give each piece its own voice and story. I am adjusting Simply Mad Jewelry and my design process a bit to incorporate my travels - and the interesting items I have collected along the way - into my jewelry creations. This will give the jewelry a "birth place" and great meaning. The new collections will be inspired by a picture, a souvenir, a flea market find or any other treasure I have found in my journeys. Each Simply Mad creation will now have a story to be told and when it goes out into the world it will have the power to transport its happy owner to a place that brings back memories or to new lands waiting to be explored and where new memories are waiting to be made. Let's go on a journey together!
Since we (my husband, two pups and I) are living in Tokyo at the moment, it felt natural to draw inspiration from the many sources of inspiration Japan offers - ancient temples, iconic snow-capped mountains, cherry blossoms, avant-garde fashion and exquisite kimonos.
I found what I was looking for at a local flea market - a treasure; a small piece of Japanese silk featuring a bright and cheery floral pattern. It was buried in a wicker basket under one gigantic pile of wrinkled scraps of fabrics, lace and ribbon. "My silk" was neatly folded and protected by a plastic bag quietly waiting to be rescued from its unruly basket-mates. And rescued it I did!
What followed was a wave of creativity that has resulted in an entire collection. It made much sense to me to have a Japanese element inspire this collection so close to the beginning of the spring season. Endless spring festivals pop up everywhere in the country come March melting away the winter blues and giving way to joyful celebrations with lively dances and colorful costumes. And who can forget the awe-inpiring cherry blossoms which color the entire landscape pink during that time of the year?!
I hope you will enjoy browsing through the collection
- I have started listing the pieces in my Etsy Shop and more will follow in the upcoming days and weeks. Most of the pieces are one of a kind as many of the stones (and of course the silk) used are limited in quantity due to the fact I have collected them from my travels. There are also many styles and material I like to play with so I am happier creating new designs all the time than re-selling multiples of any one design.
All the necklaces can be adjusted in length and most metal components can be replaced with silver if gold is not your "cup of tea". Alternatively, if you like the color scheme and the general style of the collection, but none of the pieces is exactly what you were looking for, let me know and I will be happy to design something just for you!
To see the collection and all Simply Mad's designs, visit my online
I love hearing from you, so do comment and/or email your thoughts and impression!
There you have it...Simply Mad's "Haru Matsuri" Collection 2013! I hope you like it
Rose Quartz Pendant
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