I consider myself a happy person...I am not 100% happy 100% of the time, but I am happy and I work hard towards having a positive outlook in life. I like to read and have read my fair share of self-improvement books most of which have the same goal/message - how to be happy!
I try to stay away from people who bum me out - you know the nay-sayers who complaint constantly and those who make a sport out of disrupting harmony. I also try to limit my exposure to negative situations and thoughts. A meditation coach once told me: "when you have negative thoughts, gently push them out" and I do! I literally say: "please leave my head and make room for happy thoughts". I also read a sign somewhere, sometime that said: "don't believe everything you think" - I choose to not believe negative thoughts. I believe negative energy and worry attracts bad things, the kind that makes us unhappy and so I try my best to stay in a positive place and that for me results in happiness. I find staying in touch with some spirituality also helps a great deal!

That's just me, but you don't have to buy my formula. There are plenty of books and movies about the psychology of being happy and how to pursue the seemingly elusive feeling.
I have recently watched
"Happy" by Roko Bellic - a documentary about the pursuit of happiness. The documentary has very enlightening interviews, interesting studies, and helpful suggestions. All fascinating, but what I want to share with you is the one thing that stayed with me long after I watched it.
The documentary presents a 50/40/10 pie chart - 50% of our disposition to be happy comes from our genes. Some of us are genetically pre-disposed to be happier than others and/or to return to our happy place easier after having an "unhappy" experience; 10% of our happiness comes from our circumstances, pretty much how much money we make, our social status. These are some bleak percentages, one could say that 60% of how we achieve happiness in to some degree beyond our control, but DO NOT fear. The remaining 40% is your free pass! 40% of how happy we are comes from "intentional behavior", things we do to make ourselves happy (or miserable). Here is where our ability to make choices - happy choices - come into play...and the good news? We are 100% in control here!
Here are some things the documentary suggests we do to fill that 40%...
1 - variety - do different things often or do the same things differently, change you routine a bit, add a little spice to your life, be adventurous
2 - believe in something larger than yourself - nurture your spiritual side
3 - excercise - we all know this one, physical activity releases chemicals from the brain that produce a sense of happiness
4 - cutlivate perosnal growth and friendships and help others
5 - "get in the zone" - you are in the zone when you are doing the one thing you enjoy the most, what you are passionate about, what makes everything around you go quiet, still and gray because at that moment none of it matters - only you and what you are doing matters...find what
that is for you and do it as often as possible
{ What puts you "in the zone"? }
I hope there is something on your daily routine that makes you happy! When life gets in the way, it is difficult to pursuit happiness or even remember what makes us happy, but what's the point of our lives if we are not happy!
{ What makes you happy? }
Benjamin Franklin said:
“The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”
What are you waiting for? What will you do today to make yourself happy?
Happy International Happiness Day!!